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 Authorize.Net Accept Plugin with SIM support.

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Authorize.Net Accept Hosted (Joomla 4 and PHP 8 compatible)

An SSL certificate is not required, as payment takes place via Authorize.Nets own servers which provide a secure,
PCI compliant payment option. It allows you to accept credit cards or eChecks and replaces the previous Authorize.Net SIM
When used in "SIM mode" it supports
SHA-512 signature keys which have replaced MD5 keys.


Feature Matrix

  Accept.js with UI      Accept Hosted Legacy SIM
Authorize.Net hosts the payment form?  yes* yes yes
PCI Compliance Level SAQ A SAQ A SAQ A
Uses your own payment form yes* no n/a
Mobile-friendly yes yes yes
Legacy product substitute SIM SIM N/A
Supported payment methods Credit Card Credit Card, eCheck.Net    Credit Card, eCheck.Net  
Virtuemart Checkout Support. Standard Checkout
only. Third party checkouts
not supported
Both standard and all third
party checkouts  
Both standard and all third
party checkouts

  • Purchase the plugin
    This is the full version of our Authorize Net Accept Payment Plugin. and is intended for merchants with an Authorize Net or a compatible account and who use Virtuemart 3 or 4.

Latest updates

Version 1.3.5

7 January 2022

Update to prevent occasional duplicate emails.

Version 1.3.3

30 November 2021

Changes for PHP 8 compatibility.