Express Plugin - Open Source Version
We can provide user support and help.
12 month user
support and updates.
Important read this before buying!
The plugin requires a
PayPal Account to process payments.
It is compatible with Virtuemart 2
and Virtuemart 3 using Joomla 2.5 or 3.x
If you want the plugin in a different language. Contact us and we will
send you a list of the words used
in the plugin, and add your translation to language files in the plugin at no extra cost.
PayPal Express Checkout Plugin for Virtuemart 2 and 3
(Once Only Payment)
€39 Euros
£29 British Pounds
$49 US Dollars
$59 Canadian
We will will setup and install the plugin in your Virtuemart
shopping cart for you (if you are unable to do this), but if after our help, you are unable to
make an order with the plugin, we will refund your money.