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  Recurring Payments and Subscriptions
PayPal Pro Plugin

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Recurring Payments and Subscriptions

Your PayPal Pro account must be enabled by PayPal to run recurring payments before they can be processed.

Go to the Virtuemart PayPal Pro Setup and scroll down to the recurring payments section.

Eg to bill the customer every two months for an unlimited time set the following

Billing Frequency to 1
Billing Period to 1
Total Billing Cycles to 0

Recurring Payments Setup

If you require a trial period of $10.00 or £10.00 for the first month only.

Trial Billing Period to Month.
Trial Billing Frequency to 1
Total Billing Cycles to 1
Trial Amount to 10.00

Trial Payments Setup


How to make an item a recurring payment or subscription.

 If you set the cost of an item to $10 or £10 then the customer will be charged $10 or £10 per month.

To set an items as recurring as the word recurring to the product SKU

If the SKU of the item is


change it to


when this is selected, a recurring payment is set up when the item is sold.

  • Billing Period - Day, Week, Month, SemiMonth (1st and15th of the month), Year
  • Billing Frequency - eg if 3, then payments are made every 3 days or 3 weeks or 3 months.
  • Total Billing Cycles - Total number of payments to be made. If 0 then payments will continue until cancelled

  • Trial Billing Period - Trial Day, Week, Month, SemiMonth (1st and15th of the month), Year
  • Trial Billing Frequency -  eg if 2, then payments are made every 2 days or 2 weeks or 2 months.
  • Trial Total Billing Cycles - Total number of trial payments to be made, before regular payments begin.
  • Trial


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